Snapshots of the Repeating Island

This is an audio-recording and recorded powerpoint of “Snapshots of the Repeating Island”, a paper presented at Stanford’s Archaeology Center Workshop Series in February 2016. In it I discuss both pre-colonial and early colonial soci0-material network case-study “snapshots” of the culturally diverse yet at the same time interconnected Caribbean region and its history. If you […]

Open Call for Objects:
SAA 2017!

Alice Samson (University of Leicester) and Angus Mol (Stanford University) are issuing a call to all who wish to talk at the next meeting for the Society of American Archaeology in Vancouver  (March 29-April 2, 2017) about an object from the Caribbean islands which crosses past and present. Papers will be presented at a special forum that will be recorded and published as a series of episodes in the A History of the Caribbean in 100 Objects podcast. 

The Valley:
Where is it?

No good, current map of the Valley exists. It is not that one cannot find a map giving you the location of Silicon Valley, but such a map is based on a too bounded and thereby imperfect geographic, social and cultural definition of what and where it is. So, if it cannot be found on a map… Where in the world am I?

Your first network

“How-to” to create and visually explore your first archaeological networks? This very basic introduction to archaeological network creation will be predicated on the simple question “does entity A depend on entity B?” combined with the slightly more involved question of “how does entity A depend on entity B?”. Proving that things are absolutely and directly connected in […]

Pardon the dust…

Angus is currently in the process of migrating over his old NEXUS1492 Hot Topics and Angus’s artefacts blogs over to the Shores of Time. Please check back in a few weeks to read these and more. In the meantime, you can check out my academia.edu  or “A History of the Caribbean in 100 Objects” podcast.